Tag Archives: Blackberry

How to Improve the Cross-Platform Compatibility with Mobile Widgets?

11 Aug

mobiles_devices for cross platform

Having a website or a mobile application with the number of online visitors is not as straightforward as initially recognized. The world of the internet is booming and the way the search engines index website or app information is always showing signs of change, as is the way you look for data on the web.

For any business that has a website or applications and need to be visible, get excellent review from number of online visitors, you need to adapt and envision how online visitors will search for your kind of business or services. Add this to what kind of medium or technical platform is set to be utilized for the online look.

Now a days there are numerous routines for scanning for content, additionally  different technologies like; Smartphone, iPad tablets, games consoles, digital TV sets, mp3 players with Wi-Fi and even in-car web devices to name yet a couple. So with some of these technologies you need to verify that, you have a cross-platform able applications and website that meets the most recent guidelines and technologies widgets.

Widgets are rapidly turning into fundamental devices for developers that need to enhance the purpose and characteristics of cross-platform mobile applications. This point suggests, it has been very important for developers to develop and modify native applications for the different platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, Rim, Symbian, and so on. With the approach of responsive design application development, these redundancies could be removed. Further you will know, why and how these mobile widgets could be utilized for the development of cross-platform applications.

Mobile widget is only a little compact mobile apps with an extremely basic user interface and a particular usefulness. Widgets give access to real-time, live information, for example climate reports, stock exchange data, news, sports scores, and so on. If users are searching for the closest gas station, flight landing time or traffic status widgets are the ideal answer for adding dynamic substance to applications. Widgets can never replace the functionality of applications; however can essentially help in cross-platform mobile application development.

Many developers as far and wide are making open source widgets each day because they are not difficult to construct and look after and are very attractive to mobile and tablet application developers. Widgets additionally give an amazing chance to circulate adapted content and games to huge gatherings of people by means of application developers. Furthermore since these widgets load speedier and require lesser data transfer capacity to perform, more users are liable to adopt it, subsequently increasing the extent of business sector.

On the other hand, mobile widgets are not as robust as native applications. Widgets intended to run on different platforms have constrained usefulness as they are not able to approach a device’s API. Meanwhile, we accept that widgets can give the most fantastic worth when conveyed as characteristic upgrades to cloud-based mobile applications for smartphones and tablets.

Posted By: Pooja Runija


Why Windows Phone Is The Safest Platform Among All?

20 Dec

windows phone

According to software security company F-Secure security Chief Mikko Hypponen, Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform is the safest mobile operating system available to businesses, he further told Windows Phone 8 is presently the safest mobile operating system here.

Although Apple’s iOS is also commonly known as being safe, exactly as safe as BlackBerry for business use, while Android remains a haven for cyber criminals. It seems that F-Secure is giving the “safest” award to Windows Phone 8 at the moment.

At the moment Windows Phone is the safest, there are­­­ thousands of malware for Blackberry and more malware for the iPhone and without a doubt progressively on Android. Interestingly, Hypponen anticipated that “Windows Phone is safest mobile operating system; due to its restrictive development policy should protect it from criminals for the foreseeable future. We’ve seen no malware at all targeting the platform. You want a safe & secure phone? Purchase a Windows Phone.”

Meanwhile, Android receives a bashing for being the most unsafe; firstly, because of amount of malicious Android installation files, it’s almost just double after every quarter. Secondly, because of 3rd party app stores with much has less security features as the official one, Google Play. Although, Google is said to address some of the issues with 3rd party apps/stores in the new version of Android 4.2 taste as jelly bean.

“Windows Phone’s security model inside is somehow prohibitive, I think it’s aimed to take a while before we see Windows Phone being seriously targeted.

In case of Windows Phone 8, it is quite safe at the moment, probably because of not much people are using Windows Phone 8 device. If/when Windows Phone 8 takes off; it might be become a much bigger target for malware. But still my hunch says it will stay the safest.

Posted By: Pooja Runija

Building Of A Platform For Smartphone Success

6 Sep

“A platform is something you assemble a business on.”

 cross platformAn in number explanation, however anybody viewing the smartphone space ought to be giving careful consideration to Unity. A cross platform gaming engine, it has climbed to a noticeable place in 3D mobile gaming, and that is down to some savvy choices over five years prior.

 cp gaming“There is a great deal of bits of hearsay swirling around the following gen returning together with PC. It appears things are about-facing to a more standard stage. That being said, we haven’t pondered it vigorously at this moment. The most exceedingly awful thing you can do is stress over new platforms while in development.

bbmRemembering the criticalness of service division, the Blackberry has additionally chosen to make BBM accessible to opponent platforms, for example iOS and Android. The cross-platform usefulness evacuates the exclusivity that had for quite some time served Blackberry well in pulling in new subscribers and is likely an induction of the way that the messaging service is no more extended a huge separating element given the gigantic popularity of third-party applications, for example WhatsApp and WeChat.

Average Session Length and Power Users V7An alternate component could be game enhanced diversion quality as a games move to cross-platform models that take into consideration play on smartphone, tablet, and even on PC/Mac. Advanced quality mobile gaming encounters that challenge the old stereotype of common phone games recreations are coming to be more mediocre, with more brilliant free to-play models and games as a service turning into the standard as titles addition life span and validity.

Power-Users“This pattern in engagement could redefine the ways developers adapt their users. The point when developers had a little more than a moment to both captivate users in the game and start adapting them through ads, cross-promotion, or virtual merchandise, the procedure could feel surged,” “Right away that the window has more than multiplied, we could start seeing a quite new adaptation handle where cool games imitate more in-your-face recreations and  that have more drawn out play periods and more pervasive adaptation tactics.”

Not Quantity but Quality illness of Blackberry World

23 Aug

2011-10-10-bbstormkeypadhorizontal2-copy-1318424615In the run up to the launch of Blackberry 10, we were awed by the way Blackberry was boosting developers to generate applications for the platform. Offering money rewards and giving devices to make porting existing applications from different platforms seemed to have been auspicious given that Blackberry World now claims to offer more than 120,000 applications. Anyway has it been so eager it would be accept submissions and yielded quality for amount?

604x604xS4bb_thumb.jpg.pagespeed.ic.cVUZop54W8The disclosure that Hong Kong-based S4bb is answerable for around 47k of the applications for the Blackberry platform appears inconceivable – however when you investigate what’s incorporated in this massive yield you rapidly arrive at the conclusion that much of it is useless – and liable to degrade Blackberry’s popularity. While S4bb is unconditionally the most productive, different merchants have additionally overwhelmed Blackberry world with extensive amounts of applications generated by pouring substance of minimal quality into templates that Blackberry made accessible keeping in mind the end goal to swell the amount of titles on offer.

The point when organizations attempt to encourage developers to make applications for their platforms, it is basic that they think about the impact that enticements will have on application quality and help. Anybody shrewd enough to compose a program and sharp enough to find ways upgrading income in ways that the promoter never imagined possible.

images (2)Two factors seem to have helped the glory of the events. One was the budgetary impetus – developers were baited with the prospect of $100 for every approved application (up to a furthest reaches of 20 applications for every vendor) in addition to opportunities to win a Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha Device by submitting 5 or more applications. The different was the simplicity of porting existing applications with a few developers asserting to have ported applications in under a moment.

Obviously, you just acquire these prizes provided that you application traverses the choice handle for the Blackberry World store. Anyhow given that RIM is planning to have no less than 70,000 apps approachable by the launch of Blackberry 10 on January 30 this is its final enormous any desire for making its target.

rim-blackberry-10-dev-alpha-480x480Consistent with a spilled notice got by Mobile Tech Addicts, UK based phone transporter Orange have pulled the Blackberry Bold off of their racks incidentally referring to quality issues with the device. What particular issues they are referring to are obscure, yet Orange claims they are expecting results from RIM and want to have the device over on racks in a couple of weeks. As you likely recently know, the US make a big appearance of the Bold has been pushed back over and again maybe these issues have something to do with the postponement here too.